Evade and Entrap

Tactical Problem:  Evading a defender and staying with an offensive player
Skill development:  Change direction of movement as well as pace.  Use fakes and other people to lose the defender.

Teaching Points:


  • Change direction quickly
  • Use fakes and lateral movement 
  • Focus on midsection of the offensive player
  • Stay low and on balls of feet 
  • To change direction: plant and drive off that foot
  • Stay within an arms reach while defending


Students work in pairs in one space.  One student is the evader and the other is the entrapper.  The evader tries to get away by moving while the entrapper tries to stay within an arms reach.

The instructor gives stop and start commands and switches them so everybody has an opportunity to perform both skills.

This activity can be done walking first followed by a gradual increase in intensity.



Organizational Points:
  •  Students work in pairs but share the entire space with the rest of the class.